Posted on Jan 10, 2012 @reaction_admin@

Asking for that Pay Raise

Many people may go unnoticed and go through many years of their career without getting a raise just because they did not know how to ask for one. Below are some useful tips that will help.

The Steps to Take

The first step to consider when asking for a raise is make sure it is done in a very professional manner. Make sure to set up an appointment with your supervisor and allow ample time to discuss all of the material you want to cover. Be confident going into this meeting and make sure you have a positive attitude and can show your supervisor what you do to immediately impact the company, as well as what your plans are for the future.

The second step to consider is that you must have reasons to support why you deserve a raise. Have a list prepared of all the contributions you bring to the team. You want to be able to say without a doubt that you have successfully completed all of your duties and more. If you can state the exact revenue that your contributions have brought to the company, that is also an extra bonus. You know what is important to your boss, so use those specific contributions to your benefit in negotiating your raise.

The third step is to be prepared to give your boss or manager the salary that people in your industry are currently making. Competitive wages and where you stand compared to the rest of the population with your abilities and background are important to know. This gives you an extra edge, which a supervisor may not be prepared for. This will come in handy if your boss is not convinced that you deserve a raise. An assertive, yet professional attitude can go a long way.

Following these steps may not guarantee that you will get the raise you want, but it should make the entire process less stressful. By documenting your accomplishments and presenting your value to the company, you will increase your chances to have your request for a raise granted. As you look to the future, it is also important to continue to grow your professional attributes, including taking relevant business classes, volunteering for more responsibility with your company, or anything that will contribute to your income growth throughout your career.

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